Online vs In-Person Guitar Lessons - What’s Best? | Bryan Guitar


There are two types of guitar lessons - online and in-person. Both guitar lessons in person and online guitar lessons have their merits and disadvantages. You can watch guitar videos on YouTube, join a Zoom call with a guitar tutor, visit a physical guitar tutor near you, or learn using a combination of methods. It’s not always easy to learn guitar, but keep practising, and you’ll reap the benefits in no time.

Live Feedback

Guitar lessons in person with a tutor are easier than learning guitar by yourself. During a guitar lesson, your tutor needs to see how you play and offer feedback. Even if you sound like you’re playing perfectly, this gives your tutor a chance to spot other problems, such as the way you’re holding your guitar or your finger positioning. 

Sure, your tutor can see you up to a certain point over a Zoom call. But guitar lessons in person mean no hanging, syncing or crashing. Plus, it’s easier to understand things your tutor shows you in person - you don’t have to try to figure out which direction they’re facing or which hand they’re using!

Better Equipment

Playing your guitar isn’t the only thing you’ll need to get to grips with - there’s also the maintenance. 

Say you need to tune your guitar or change the strings mid-lesson. If you’re physically having guitar lessons in person, your tutor will be able to hand you the correct strings right away and get things going again, assisting you if you get stuck. Your tutor can even let you borrow something like a capo if you want to try it out. 

However, if you’re at home by yourself, you’re stuck having to head to a shop or go online with little idea of what you’re looking for.

Connection Issues

As we discussed earlier, online guitar lessons have several potential problems. It can be challenging to figure out how the person has positioned themselves and what direction they are facing as they play, but the audio may not always sync with the video. 

On top of this, there’s the risk of connectivity issues. If the video doesn’t freeze, your call may crash altogether. So, avoid these issues and opt for guitar lessons in person.

Playing Environment

We all know that Zoom calls aren’t exactly ergonomic. Propping your laptop on top of boxes so you can get everything in the frame, sitting on a stool so you can be seen, and trying to avoid interruptions from the rest of your household - it’s not an ideal learning environment.

But when you physically go to a tutor for guitar lessons in person or go to a practice space, you get much more peace. Not only is the room quiet or soundproofed, but you also get good access to equipment, advice, and plenty of space to hang out. 


When classes happen online, they’re more convenient for sure. You don’t have to travel to attend them and there’s no excuse for not attending them. But how motivated are you to participate in them? 

Some people find it more motivational to physically have a guitar tutor by their side, giving live feedback on what they’re doing. It’s all too easy to just turn the camera off or quit the lessons. 

That said, a combination of guitar lessons in person and online lessons can still work. Quality is better than quantity, after all. Whether you find it easier to practise guitar at home and go over things in-person in a weekly lesson, or you prefer a video lesson twice a week, whatever motivates you most is best.


What about the pricing - are online guitar lessons cheaper? How much are guitar lessons?

Well, yes, with fewer overheads and expenses to be covered, online guitar lessons tend to be a cheaper option than guitar lessons in person. Depending on your teacher, you may be eligible for an online discount and a discount for practice rooms, too. 


What about convenience? Which learning option is more convenient? Online guitar lessons are certainly much more convenient to attend - just pick up your guitar, turn your camera on, and you’re all set—no need to haul your guitar across the town. 

However, when you are just starting, guitar lessons in person may be a more convenient way to pick up the basics and get to grips with caring for your guitar.

Online vs In Person - What’s Best?

Clearly, both online and in-person guitar lessons have their advantages and disadvantages. However, students learn much more quickly and retain their knowledge with guitar lessons in person. 

My dedicated practice space allows students to practise peacefully without distraction or interruption. This is not something that can be achieved online!

If you want to start guitar lessons with me - in person or online - reach out today to discuss options and availability.

Check out the rest of the blog to see plenty more helpful tips and advice!


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