Considering Getting Guitar Lessons? These Points Might Help You Decide!

The question "Should I get guitar lessons?" comes to us all at different times of life, but if you find yourself asking it more and more often, it might be time to consider whether or not to take guitar lessons from a professional.

Maybe you're still wondering "Do I need a guitar teacher?" or maybe you're looking for a guitar teacher in your area. Either way, in this guide I'll look at some reasons why to take music lessons and how to get started.

Remember, there are many different reasons why people start to learn guitar. You can start at any age and any stage of life - it's a completely personal choice and there's no time like the present.

It Doesn't Matter What Age!

While it's best to learn guitar young, it shouldn't be a dealbreaker. None of us can turn back the clock, so if you didn't get guitar lessons as a child, you can still start as a teenager, adult, or even in your retirement years to keep your hands and mind active.

No matter how old you are, the sooner you take guitar lessons, the sooner you'll develop your skills. There's nothing to lose - so start looking for a guitar teacher in your area and take that first step towards learning from a professional.

You're Struggling to Learn Yourself

Some of the most successful guitar players claim to be self-taught, but if you're wondering "Do I need a guitar teacher?" then the answer is probably yes. A good guitar tutor will focus on the areas where you need help - so the skills you've learned so far by yourself will not be wasted.

In general, it's easier and less frustrating to learn from a private tutor than it is to learn guitar by yourself. There's still plenty of practice involved - the skill and talent comes from you - but you'll have an expert on hand to identify the specific areas you need to focus on, and to guide you in terms of musicality and technique.

Online Lessons Aren't Working

Maybe you've tried to teach yourself guitar from YouTube, or even paid for online guitar lessons and 'learn guitar in six weeks' online academies. If these aren't working for you, it might be because you need a more tailored, individual learning plan that's suited to your learning style.

Although it's easy to learn guitar, you'll find it even easier with targeted support and professional coaching. Whether you're struggling for motivation or you've hit an impasse in terms of technical skills, a professional guitar teacher will be able to get you moving again.

You've Stopped Making Progress

If you've reached intermediate level and hit a wall, or fallen into the comfort zone of playing a few favourite songs over and over, you might benefit from an independent voice to give you some inspiration and help you to find some new challenges to take on.

A teacher can help you in this regard - you'll find a lot of topic areas on my website with introductory lessons covering guitar fundamentals, growth in musicality and techniques, and some specialist skills that can get you from intermediate to expert.

You Are Losing Motivation

When motivation starts to fail you, you might think "Why take music lessons?" but a good guitar teacher can make sure that learning guitar doesn't feel like a chore. Remember that excitement you felt when you bought your first guitar?

Even just a few lessons to identify the issues that are holding you back, and work out the ways around them, can get you back on the road to progress. This is true at any level, whether you're a beginner who needs a safe space to practise, or an expert who's fallen out of love with learning.

Get Introductions to Like-Minded People

A good guitar teacher will know students at all levels of ability and experience, so if you're looking for people to jam with (or even to start your first band) they may be able to put you in touch.

This gives you access to even more like-minded people, new opinions and insights, and the chance to expand your horizons into different genres and musical styles, and different types of guitar.

You Want to Learn Different Musical Styles

I mentioned different musical styles and genres there - if your practising has come to a halt or you're struggling to find new skills within your chosen style, why not try a different genre? Jazz, rock, pop and blues - mostly played on electric guitar - all have unique qualities to offer, and will help you develop a more rounded playing style.

You'll find a new style feels a lot like learning guitar for the first time, hopefully including the excitement of learning some completely new skills. A specialist guitar teacher will be able to focus on those specific skills and help you build your technique in multiple genres.

Everybody Has Their Own Reason for Lessons, What's Yours?

So if you're still asking yourself "Should I get guitar lessons?" give some thought to your reasons: Not sure how to get started? Finding it hard to progress? Keen to explore some new techniques and music styles? The list goes on and on, and it all depends on what motivates you most as an individual.

If you'd like to talk through the options to start guitar lessons with Bryan, please get in touch. I offer no-obligation introductory lessons for you to experience my teaching style and for us to plan out the first few areas of focus for your learning. From there we can work on a monthly schedule with one-on-one tuition supported by your own independent learning and practice at home, to make sure you stay motivated and make steady progress.

Read more blogs about guitars, music, and learning.

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